#119 | Sibling Independence with guest Maria Jennings

#119 | Sibling Independence with guest Maria Jennings

On this week’s episode, Maria Jennings joins me to discuss the dynamic that having a child with a disability has made on our neurotypical children and how we have each noticed a higher level of independence and self-advocacy skills.

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Holly shares her experience using combination door knobs in her home which increases safety and provides a means for neurotypical siblings to have their own secure space. https://www.amazon.com/Signstek-Keyless-Digital-Electronic-Security/dp/B00KS3JC30?pd_rd_w=c3bUq&pf_rd_p=07da9b2f-52f3-4fa6-b605-4458a1e54cf1&pf_rd_r=6R7D68GAYSBMFW69TFMK&pd_rd_r=6e8a228e-37d3-478b-833f-4e7d1cf0cd97&pd_rd_wg=7uwUR&pd_rd_i=B00KS3JC30&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_rp_36_i

Holly also explains the benefit of registering an ISAAC Alert (911 dispatch note linked to your home address) if you have locking interior doors and window at your home: https://theisaacfoundation.configio.com/page/programsisaacalert

Families who are interested in accessing ISAAC Foundation’s Sibling Spotlight program can find the registration link here: https://theisaacfoundation.configio.com/page/siblingspotlight

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